
Grids do not have to be necessarily associated with deprivation of freedom, because with proper design they can represent true works of art. Apart from the aesthetic aspect, they must provide a high level of security, so the material selection in this case is very important. From the materials we offer wrought iron, pipes, ZP profiles, stainless steel...  the customer can combine the designs from over 280 grid models to their liking. Installation is performed in the frame or on the wall, depending on the needs, and a specific type of grids are grids/door with a safety lock.

Products, Grids R5-011


Products, Grids R5-012
Products, Grids R5-012


Products, Grids R5-014
Products, Grids R5-014


Products, Grids R5-015


Products, Grids R5-016
Products, Grids R5-016


Products, Grids R5-022


Products, Grids R5-043
Products, Grids R5-043


Products, Grids R5-044


Products, Grids R5-045


Products, Grids R5-046


Products, Grids R5-047
Products, Grids R5-047


Products, Grids R5-048
Products, Grids R5-048


Standardni materijali se primenjuju i u slučaju izrade rešetki, uz napomenu da je faktor sigurnosti ovde primaran. Rešetke na vratima često kombinujemo sa staklom i ZP profilima.

Ukoliko su rešetke prozorske, delimo ih na dva tipa...ukrasne (sa ornamentima) i čisto funkcionalne bez kovanih formi ali u oba slučaja forma mora biti u funkciji sigurnosti.

Kao prozorske i rešetke za vrata već su standardan deo naše ponude, ali je njihova primena daleko š bunarska okna, kao deo pergole, kao ukrasu vinskim podrumima...

U zavisnosti od mesta montaže, preporučujemo standardnu zaštitu cinkovanjem i farbanjem radi postojanosti

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